Vanessa Opazo is an architect turned calligraphy artist who transformed her side hustle, Bondi Letters, into a full-time design business. Inspired by her love of the ocean and the mindful flow of lettering art, Vanessa invites her students to find empowerment through creativity.
After discovering the mesmerizing art of calligraphy online, Vanessa began to use brush lettering as a creative escape from the demands of her daily life – and the more she practiced, the better she felt.
Now inspiring creativity through lettering workshops, handmade gifts and an inclusive online community, this self-taught artist encourages her students to connect with their intuition and discover their purpose – simply by putting pen to paper.
The first thing I ever wrote…
Were two decorations for my home, two very simple words framed separately: "Bondi" and "Beach". I loved how it looked at my house entry. I remember one of my friends visiting with his partner. He thought that it was really good and suggested I should start an Instagram account... he said “who knows where that might take you.” And here I am!
I’m on a mission to…
Help people reconnect with their inner self and intuition. I also want them to feel special and feel seen. That is why I offer workshops and products that empower them to find that connection, knowing that there's always a creative side of us wanting to speak. We just have to listen, so I'd like to think that I help hold that space for them to invite some calm into their lives so they can listen to that voice.
When I’m writing calligraphy, I…
Am in 'the zone'. I feel pretty calm and pretty present to everything that is happening to me right then. The smell of the ink, the touch of the paper, the movement of my breath with the strokes I make with the pen. I love it!
Teaching others has taught me…
To believe more in myself too. Having the ability to make someone else feel good by sharing something that you love, is incredible. If at any point in time I wonder why do I do this? Is this good enough? Am I good enough? When all of these self-doubt thoughts sometimes creep in, knowing that I can help someone else feel special just by sharing what I know with them, makes it all worth it!
I have been teaching since I was 17. Before moving to Australia I was a tutor for many years - I have always loved it. The biggest part has always been the connection with the students and the instant reward when you feel they get it and they understand and they feel good about themselves.
Christmas smells like…
Gifts. We could talk a lot about food here too, but gifts are my thing. That is definitely my love language. Not so long ago, I heard my Mum saying "Christmas is for the children" (she was referring to us 'the children' aged 33, 32 and 29). I'm originally from Spain, and the last Christmas I spent with my family was a bit ago, but it has always been a shower of presents from my Mum. She loves Christmas so much that she would start buying Christmas presents for the following one, as soon as this one was over.
The cool thing about her gifts is that she would wrap a hair tie, stickers, pens, whatever little gifts she could find so quantity is her thing. Each of us could easily get 20 presents from Santa! I now understand why. She just loves seeing our faces when we open them. That makes her happy, that is the biggest gift she can receive. Our smile and joy. And I am a bit like her. That's why I also love giving gifts, and I wrap all my products with so much love, so every time people open them, they feel it is a present for them. That makes me happy.
This year I’m grateful that...
I was courageous enough to take the leap and quit my job to do Bondi Letters full time. I can't believe I actually did that, but I am so happy and grateful to have had such beautiful support and opportunities since I did.